Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is the first Not Me Monday I have ever done! Yay me!

Not me is supposed to be about things that I may have done the previous week that could cause embarrassment to me or to others. Or at least that is the way I understand this to be. So, in the great spirit of that, I submit the following.

I did not cry buckets when The Boy left yesterday morning. He will be gone for four weeks...until July 10 at 4pm more precisely. And I sent him off happily enjoying the fact that I will be free of the autistic roller coaster we ride for the next 27 days. Nope, no tears for me.

I did not buy a Christmas present for my mother-in-law on Saturday. Nope, I don't do things early like that.

I did not ride around on Sunday with a giant buzzard in my car having positioned him so that he was looking out the back window. Nope, I would never do something so silly!

And, I would never laugh at the dog for being scared of the giant stuffed bird!

Nope, none of that happened to me. None.


  1. I found your blog via MckMama's site. The "Ima Hick" things is cute, along with how you set up your family descriptions. Love the buzzard in the back window. God bless.

  2. Congrats on your first Not Me! monday!! :)
    the buzzard--hilarious!

  3. Hey Ima Hick,
    I'm a hick, too! I found you via McMama's site and we have a lot in common. I, too have a 14 year old ManThing (an only child) on the Autism spectrum. I am a nurse and I think your blog is a hoot! I am not a blogger, but you make it look fun. I will definitely be back. Hope the Boy (and his mama) do well while he is away! g

  4. Cute blog! I"ll be back!
