Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I'm late.

No, not that kind of late! If it were that kind of late, I would be all excited, but then would have to stop and wonder how it happened. You see, I don't have the parts it takes to be that kind of late.

What I am talking about is that I am late with sitting down to type this post. I have been running late all day, so why should this be any different? I got up and moving on time this morning, but then fell further and further behind. I couldn't find anything to bring for my lunch today. Then, when I finally get to work, I had to confer with a friend/teacher who is having a difficult time. Then I had to send a fax. Finally I had to do some checking on items that I needed to get done. And now, I am here. Later than I usually am, but here nonetheless.

The Boy is doing fine I guess. I threatened to go get him yesterday because when I asked what he had been doing, he said "playing my game." When I said back to him "you have been playing your game since you got up this morning?" He said "I don't know." When I asked him if he had eaten supper yet, I got "I don't know." It was at that point that I said I was getting in the car and coming to get him because if he doesn't know the answers to those two simple questions, he must have a head injury.

I was a bit concerned because he was by himself, in the RV, at a campsite....with no adults around. Or at least none that he knew/was related to. One of the things that I was told just before he left was that he would always have an adult around, especially when they were at a campsite. Now look. He was alone. And I don't like it.

The Boy has no fear. Who is to say that he won't get bored just sitting there and decide to go exploring? Or, answer a knock on the door from someone he doesn't know? I'm telling you....he has no fear. He doesn't understand the meaning of going away and not ever coming back. I know that fear. And there are plenty of times that I fear it for him.

When he was younger, he wandered off at a water park. There were thousands of people around, he didn't really speak at that time, and I couldn't find him. We were at a wave pool. He was directly in front of me. A wave came and I got splashed in the face. I wiped my eyes and when I opened them, he was gone. Just poof, gone. Terrified. That is the only word I know that comes even near close to how I felt. It took about 15 minutes for someone to find him climbing down the ladder on the far side of the pool because he wanted to see where the waves were coming from.

Another time, a van pulled up beside my yard and before I could even blink, he was in it. We had never seen these people before. And, I never saw them after that either. He just decided that something looked interesting and off he went.

He has wandered many times since then, but not far away. Now he is many states/miles/hours away from me and there is nobody there to remind him to only go as far as the adult can see him.

I'm telling you. If I live through him being gone for 4 weeks, it will be a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ima,
    Bless your heart! I will pray for your precious boy and for you until you are together again. As a mom with a son on the Autism Spectrum, I understand the "no fear" part all too well. Take care and God Bless! gin
