Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
If I were the type who kept track of things that I did not do, I would definitely tell you about them. But, since I just totally ignore things like that, then what do I have to tell you about on Not Me Monday?
I mean, I really did not take my nearly 15 year old son to see the 3D version of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 over the weekend. And of course we did not really enjoy it. Matter of fact, I did not jump up and down with excitement when he mentioned that he would really like to go and see it. And I did not find myself sitting in the last row of the theater laughing the entire time. We also did not skip our noon meal to gorge ourselves on the refillable popcorn and soda. That would just be wrong and I really would never teach my son such bad nutritional things like that.
And, since it is Not Me Monday, I would also confess if I let The Boy pick out a pumpkin, but asked him to get a smaller one than what he wanted. I would confess if the one he wanted was the $18 one, but I talked him down to a much cheaper one since he wants to take it to school and carve the Halo 3 logo into it. I would also confess if I bought a pumpkin carving kit even though I think that I have one at home, but didn't want to go hunting for it. I would confess those things if they had happened, but since they did not, then I guess you won't know about them.
I would tell you if I had finally decided what to get The Boy for his birthday, but when I placed the order, I was told it wouldn't be in until the day after his birthday. I would tell you if that had happened, but since I did not do that, I can't tell you.
I did not sit out in the cold air of a local restaurant's parking lot in front of the hospital just to get a picture (ok...several pictures) of the billboard that has a message of my friend's granddaughters birth.
And, I did not cry while watching Extreme Home Makeover last night.
I did not look at the cashier funny when she asked me if I had a cat named Ziggy and if he was doing all right after I gave her money to pay for my meal at the restaurant. How did she know that?!
Last but not least, I would let you know on this Not Me Monday if I was truly wracking my brain to come up with anything that I could talk about here. Or, that didn't make me look like I was lame and boring. But since that is not happening, I guess I won't tell you.
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