Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not wish that I could have just one day (even a half day) to do absolutely nothing that I really didn't want to do. I have been to town (20 miles one way) every single day since September 15th. I wouldn't wish this because I love my family and therefore wish to spend every single minute of my waking hours fulfilling their needs. If I wished for a day to do nothing then I would be selfish and that is just not me.
I did not spend most of Wednesday night awake calling and checking on my friend's daughter who was in the hospital being induced.
I did not stay in the delivery room on Thursday with above mentioned daughter to help welcome her daughter into the world. Her mom and I did not stand in the middle of the delivery room when everyone was cleaned up and doing well hugging each other and crying.
I did not drive home Thursday night crying the entire way because I was happy and sad. I did not walk into our counselor's office on Friday afternoon and ask her if I was normal for crying everytime I thought about the delivery. (I did not just get teary eyed typing those sentences because it all comes back.)
I did not get up yesterday wishing (once again) that I could just skip the day's doings because I was (am) still needing that day off. I would never have done that because we went on a Poker Run for the Shriner's Hospital which is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts. Therefore, I would never in a million years wish to not participate.
I did not ponder whether I wanted to fill out an application to go back to work in the hospital doing labor and delivery. I did not grab my (up to date) resume so that I would have the correct information when I did not complete the application.
I did not tell The Boy this morning that if he did not lose the attitude that he seems to have on Sunday afternoon and Monday mornings after spending his weekend with his father that I would do my best to stop him from going. I know. I can't do that. But geez.....when he is rude and obnoxious to me both on the phone and in person it just rubs me the wrong way.
I know that there are a bunch more things that could be posted here. Unfortunately, I am mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. For that reason, I can only think of so much right now. And, they are certainly not nearly as funny as a lot of people. Actually, reading over them, they sound kind of sad, huh?
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